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The L Word

Men have been talking their way into women's pants since the dawn of human speech, but a new report shows some significant geographic variance in method. Harlequin Publishing (yes, that Harlequin) recently asked males in various countries whether they'd said "I love you" solely as a means of getting past third base. The results are striking, with Frenchmen appearing to be twice as likely to use the endearment as their German counterparts—though it bears noting that "je t'aime" does sound a hell of a lot sexier than "Ich liebe dich."*

France: 67%

The Netherlands: 58%

United States: 55%

Australia: 50%

Sweden: 43%

U.K. 42%

Canada: 38%

Germany: 33%

*Alternatively, of course, this survey could just mean that German girls are twice as easy.

posted by LeBlues @ 11:05 AM,


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